I am Pranav Malpure, an MS ECE in Robotics (Intelligent Systems, Robotics and Controls) student at UCSD. I have profound interest in robotics and automation inspired by its potential to create a huge impact in the lives of people.
Previously at IIT-Bombay, I have worked on many robotics projects until now and they have given me a good grasp over ROS-Gazebo simulation, controls, navigation and RL in Robotics. I am excited by the huge role AI can and will play in robotics and am looking to explore the field of robot learning further.
I like to solve hard problems and learn something new!
Researched under Prof. Mayank Baranwal in RL controlled manipulation. Developed a model for inverse kinematics of 6 DOF arm, based on it's joint position, velocities and end effector position feedback. Code here
Led the Humanoid team at IIT Bombay working on building humanoids ground up. Responsible for technical overview and integration of the tasks of subsystems - AI, Electronics, Controls and Robot Design. Propreitary Work
Programmed RexROV2 to autonomously navigate underwater using curvature velocity method to avoid obstacles. Simulated in an underwater world in Gazebo. Code here
Devised a novel technique to optimize the addition of new polygons in existing visibility graphs for drones. Reduced the recalculation time by around 92%. Propreitary Work
Researched under Prof. Arpita Sinha to solve the problem of optimal placement of multiple robots in a cyclic graph, to explore the entire graph in minimum possible time. The robots use MR-DFS algorithm. Built on the paper:
Propreitary Work.
Developed an algorithm based on network graphs functioning as a logic network, answering logical queries based on a knowledge base. Propreitary work.
OMS Apartments, One Miramar Street, La Jolla, CA 92092