About Me


I am Pranav Malpure, an MS ECE in Robotics (Intelligent Systems, Robotics and Controls) student at UCSD. I have profound interest in robotics and automation inspired by its potential to create a huge impact in the lives of people.

Previously at IIT-Bombay, I have worked on many robotics projects until now and they have given me a good grasp over ROS-Gazebo simulation, controls, navigation and RL in Robotics. I am excited by the huge role AI can and will play in robotics and am looking to explore the field of robot learning further.

I like to solve hard problems and learn something new!

In The News...

Projects (Incomplete List)

Project 1

Reinforcement Learning based Inverse Kinematics

Researched under Prof. Mayank Baranwal in RL controlled manipulation. Developed a model for inverse kinematics of 6 DOF arm, based on it's joint position, velocities and end effector position feedback. Code

Project 2

The Humanoid Project

Led the Humanoid team at IIT Bombay working on building humanoids ground up. Responsible for technical overview and integration of the tasks of subsystems - AI, Electronics, Controls and Robot Design.

Project 4

Autonomous underwater navigation

Programmed RexROV2 to autonomously navigate underwater using curvature velocity method to avoid obstacles. Simulated in an underwater world in Gazebo. Code

Project 4

Visibility Graphs(Research Internship at Flytbase Labs)

Devised a novel technique to optimize the addition of new polygons in existing visibility graphs for drones. Reduced the recalculation time by around 92%.

Project 5

Multi-Robot Graph exploration

Researched under Prof. Arpita Sinha to solve the problem of optimal placement of multiple robots in a cyclic graph, to explore the entire graph in minimum possible time. The robots use MR-DFS algorithm. Built on the paper:

Project 6

Network graph based reasoning(Software Internship at Jio Platforms Ltd)

Developed an algorithm based on network graphs functioning as a logic network, answering logical queries based on a knowledge base.

Get In Touch

OMS Apartments, One Miramar Street, La Jolla, CA 92092
